Improve your Search engine ranking

Thursday, December 27, 2007

There are a number of ways to increase the traffic through your website, the primary one being to improve your SEO (search engine optimization.) Through the use of a meta tag generator you can list relevant keywords and output them to be pasted in the HTML code of your website.

The best way to attract new visitors to your website is to use terms that are current and popular. You can track these by visiting websites such as Google Trends which list the most commonly searched terms and divides them by region, city and language. Alexa is also another SEO resource, which will allow you to check on the rating of your website in comparison to the rest of the web. (Update 21/1/08) It has been brought to my attention (thanks to the anonymous commenter!) that Alexa bases the statistics solely based on the amount of traffic generated by Alexa toolbar users, which may skew the reliability of the statistics provided.

Other recommended links below:

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like your site layout. Happened upon it through spicypages :)

To keep on topic, I believe some search engines, google mainly, ignore meta tags now as far as "weight" or ranking while others still look at them. But keywords are still useful or better yet "phrases" throughout your content, but dont over do it or you get penalized. I wrote an article recently on a good way to find "key words and phrases".

April 11, 2008 at 8:53 AM

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